The online Certificate Verification System a 24x7 web based certificate verification service allows you to verify certification status of the EIRP-CIS. It also allows you to verify complete student particulars and certification status. The service is available for students who have registered with EIRP-CIS and the registered verifiers. The details will be useful to verify with the applications made by the students for employment purpose or admissions into the higher studies. The data presented here is based on the official records of the EIRP-CIS and the details submitted by the students from time to time while pursuing the Program(s) of the CIS.

Online Verification

Centre for Internship and Studies is most contemporary noble concept derived by Educational and Industrial Resource Provider (EIRP) to integrate the component of industry in education.CIS Education is just not a formality of giving industrial exposure to students; rather it is a full‐fledged industry experience to students with their studies. CIS education enables students to obtain the basic and all fuctional knowledge of the industry in which they wish to work. The CIS education programmes are regular industrial internship coupled with theory based face to face contact programmes.